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A member registered Feb 03, 2019

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(1 edit)

I didn't know what page up or down key meant. On my keyboard, it was Q that put it into edit mode. Another question I had was what triggers the  bottommost left shop to open, as I have finished the town square and all the other shops.

Edit: Never mind, I got the game ending. Thanks!

How do I put it in edit mode on desktop? Just confused because I don't see it anywhere.

I'm not sure, I did empty the bucket onto the fireplace. I clicked on the well a couple times to make sure there was nothing else there, maybe that's it. I can start over. Sorry for the time.

I've got the bucket, but how do I empty the bucket? 

I'm stuck on the little flashy thing in the underground. I can't get to it but I can't progress without the chainsaw. Am I missing something?

I actually really love the dynamic that Cosmicle and Artur have lolol!! Would love to see more of it馃 I enjoyed playing!!

Where is the second mushroom for the porter's quest? I can't find it anywhere and I'm lost as to how to get the lights on